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Sibio, Blog Header 40

This being my 40th blog post (told you that time flies!), it felt appropriate that last week I spent some time reflecting on all the work I’ve done in the studio since I started the MFA program and catching up on little odds and ends I needed to complete before moving forward on some projects.

For the MFA thesis project, done in the last semester of the program, candidates are required to write a statement including an overview of personal experience in the program. To help me organize my thoughts, in true “me” fashion, I decided to write a list. I scrolled back to August 2017 in my camera roll and reviewed my photos of how my studio time was spent, writing corresponding points on my list every time I introduced a new material into my work, made a new form, or refined a process. I ended up with three pages of progress and products – some are still being used in my final stages of work, and some have been forgotten completely! It was oddly comforting to see all that I’ve done contained in a single document, and it also helped me identify recurring activities that I can do in advance to help my process move more smoothly going forward.

As for my physical work in the studio last week, I spent time doing housekeeping activities. Since some of my processes require downtime, I alternated between buying supplies for my larger display piece, measuring plastic pieces that I plan to replace with glass, and spray painting t-pins before I could use them in my small cast plaster forms. It may not seem like a lot, but staying on top of little jobs really makes work move a lot quicker in the end.

Featured Image: Jill Sibio, 2019

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