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The Art of Following Up


Following Up On Your Internship & Job Applications

Businesses, companies, and agencies get internship and job applications every day, that is if they are looking to hire. It is important, if you find yourself suitable for the job, that you follow up with with the people where you have submitted the application.

Why is it so important to follow up on your application?

The answer it shows you are interested in their company, and it can sometimes  even help you promote your qualifications even more. If you have applied for a job that you are very interested in don’t wait by the phone or by your computer to see if the phone call or email will come through. Go out of your way to make yourself well known to the company. In the end, that may just land you the job!

How do you follow up on an application?

Through the research I have done for my own personal submission of applications, I can tell you that you should usually follow up with the same person you first contacted at the company. This can be done by either a phone call or an email. Follow up emails or phone calls are usually best with a week to 10 days after you have submitted your application. You want to keep the follow up brief yet to the point. After that initial “thank you”, you may want to occasionally check in with the business, company, or agency to stay on their radar. Don’t under or over do it, but do it.

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