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A New Appreciation

My journey at Marywood began in August of 2012. I was fresh out of high school and excited about having new experiences and meeting new people. I was eager to leave home and begin my quest to new found independence at college. For a while everything was great! I met amazing people, tried different things, I was having a blast. Soon to my surprise I became extremely homesick. I would count down the days until I could return to my home and family in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Once summer rolled around I found myself stopping at random moments just gazing out to the horizon. What a beautiful place! From the landscapes, to local flora, fruit trees, to animals it was all amazing. Although I spent my entire life there it was something I hadn’t noticed before. I began paying attention to my surroundings, taking it all in.

I fell in love with the place I call home and learned to appreciate the beauty all around me, just as I appreciate art.  Art is everywhere! It comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. We just have to be open to receive it.

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