And the Semester Comes to an End…

Hello everyone! This will be my FINAL blog post for now! I’m taking the Spring 2019 semester off to complete the Disney College Program again (as I probably have already mentioned, but finals have fried my brain and I can’t remember). This post will be a continuation of last weeks, as I have FINISHED my giant print! I went with a cartoon Okapi (an Okapi is a cousin of the giraffe) and I used plexiglass and masking tape again! I also chose to do this print with 3 different colors, which made it that much more difficult. The size of the plexiglass was overwhelming me for a bit, and I had artist’s block because I had no idea what I wanted to do! I knew filling the whole board would be difficult, so I ultimately went with a large scale illustration that would take up most of the board. For a while there, however, I was frozen and knew I made a huge mistake. Until I thought of the Okapi of course. It took a while to ink up, and then I had to wipe where I had accidentally gotten ink on the plexiglass. This process almost took longer than it did to cut the masking tape! Putting a print this giant through the press was an adventure to say the least. I first sprayed down the paper with water, dried it off and tried to line it up with the plate. It came out a little bit crooked, but ultimately came out pretty good. I’m happy with it, and would love to try another giant print again soon!

It was great being able to blog for Marywood, and I can’t wait to see where Disney brings me!

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