CD Art

Now that the summer is here there’s more time to do some projects of my own at home. CD art is a fun way to make wall art really cheap. What you’ll need is black acrylic paint, a paint brush, a CD (that you won’t use again), and a tooth pick.

First, you’ll want to wash the back of your CD and make sure it’s dry. Next, paint a layer of black paint on the shiny side. You might need two coats of paint depending on the thickness of the first layer. The paint must be completely dry before you etch on your design. Once it is dry, take your tooth pick and etch in any design you want. This is a perfect way to make wall art or for a later project down the road. You can use this as a way to get rid of any old CDs that are scratched or you don’t want anymore. It’s also a great way to recycle!!!

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