My First Week Of Classes

So I have survived my first week of classes here at Marywood. I am currently taking three studio classes this semester and an art history course. My Studio classes have gone really well so far. I’ve had Painting II, Figure Drawing I, and Intaglio.

Painting II so far has been similar to my first painting class with our subject matter but this class uses acrylics instead of oils which is very different. I find acrylics to be much more temperamental and difficult to work with because of their fast drying quality and plastics thinness. In that class I’m working on a black and white still life painting using just black and white paint which is quite different for me because I have always been taught to mix and use my own black. So the bottled black definitely acts different from homemade black.

Right after Painting, I have Figure Drawing so my shoulder starts to hurt after 3 hours of working. I liked this class because we did gesture drawing with charcoal and graphite. What I really enjoyed practicing was contour drawing. I used to think that contour and gesture were the same thing but obviously not. Contour is drawing really really slowly having your pencil follow your eye. This was a new form of drawing for me that I had never done before and I really like it.

Intaglio for me has been the most interesting class. It’s a type of printmaking that isn’t relief but rather engravings. I’m really excited to work with these new materials and making a series of my own prints. However, coming up with ideas for prints have been a little difficult.

I’m really excited to see where these classes with take me and all the pieces I will get from them.

The Featured Photo is my first ever five prints called “Lady Bums”

2 thoughts on “My First Week Of Classes

  1. Hey Annachiara- your post on first week of classes was so informative! I learned things I never knew about the process of creating art. I’m sure there is endlessly more that you will be mastering (and most of us will have not a clue about!)…but I hope you’ll go on sharing some of it this way. You make me feel like the luckiest grandma Ever!!❤️💕

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