MFA projects: Personal poster design

During my second week in the Marywood Masters with the Master’s program I took a class called Rendering Ideas. The class was mentally invigorating because everyday for five days we would have several projects due. Some projects were overnight but most were due the day of only a couple of hours to understand the request, create a concept, apply the idea into a physically reorientation of it, present it to class and receive feedback. One exercise was to create a poster represent your own solo gallery show. This project was assigned as the overnight one and I will say that I did not wake up happy the next morning. My brain was racing with ideas of what I would want to represent myself and the art I create. I drove home and made myself something to eat as I planned what I was going to design. After a few calls, self discovery, and scrolling on Instagram, I developed the concept for my poster. It was out of this world because it was space themed.

I drew some sketches of what I wanted the poster to look like I was searching for the right orientation, composition, balance, and color. I found a beautiful image of a nebula on google images and the silhouette of pine trees at night and it decided that I was going to recreate it. I needed to include typography to my poster because I needed to tell the attendees where, when and what time the vent was going to take place. I choose to hand letter the headline “Shoot for the Stars” since it is a personal saying for me and the solo show is about me. The lettering and the typeface are in white so they stand out from the night themed poster. I chose the location because it was the closest one to where I live and it is one of the best start gazing places in the world. I had the idea that I would have an outdoor gallery in late summer and the guest can see my space themed pieces and enjoy what inspires me which is space.

This project was the last one of the class and the end of the first summer session of the master’s program. I really liked this project because I got to discover things about me and I ended up having a theme I really like to draw which is space! Thank you for reading my blog and I’ll see y’all next week!

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