A Festival of Magick

Here I am, exhausted at the end of a ridiculously busy week, but for good reason! I’ve been gearing up to host a major event, the Wine, Witches, & Warlocks Festival. Held at the Circle Drive-in on September 23, 2023, this event will showcase almost 100 vendors completely unique in their artistry. I started this event with my mother last year on a much smaller scale, and I’d never have imagined it would end up tripling in size. I was able to put some of my learned administrative capabilities to use, as organizing a ton of vendors and marketing was an incredibly imposing task. That being said, we are so fortunate to have wonderful artists unlike any other all throughout our vendor lineup.

Wine Witches & Warlocks

I was initially worried about having a diverse product mix, since the theme of the event is quite specific. However, as I should have expected, the creativity of artists is absolutely boundless. We have creators of many styles, from “vulture culture” to steampunk.

Even those who are selling typical metaphysical goods like altar supplies and candles have incredible craftsmanship. It is vitally important to see the love and dedication put into any artisan goods, doubly so for items used in spiritual practice. We even have an artist who created her own tarot deck!

This is only a small portion of the gifted artists I have been working with, and I am so grateful to everyone involved with the festival for allowing us to provide the best items possible. This event is also free to attend, so everyone should stop by to experience it themselves!

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