Design Student Lowdown

With all the posts I’ve made, I’ve come to realize I haven’t discussed the basics of just being a Graphic Design student. When I first came to Marywood, I had absolutely no experience with any sort of design software other than Microsoft paint. And I wasn’t even that good with it. So when I walked into my first class and the teacher asked us to open Illustrator I just stared blankly back at her thinking “oh no”. The good news is other people were as lost as I was. Through my three years, I’ve learned a lot in my classes; far more than that freshman sitting in her first graphic design class would ever dream of. So don’t let fear of the unknown deter you.

So what are classes like here at Marywood? I’m not going to lie to you, they’re so fun. I love going to my Graphic Design classes. It’s three hours of sitting with your friends (and trust me, you will make friends with your classmates), listening to music, and just creating. I never dread going to a Graphic Design Class. All professors are helpful with projects but let you do your own thing. You’re given information about the project, maybe a lecture or two on helpful tips or background, then you just have your creating freedom.

One of the best parts, though, is the small class size. You become this tight-knit group of designers studying your four years together. You truly grow and learn from each other and you also become close to your professors, which will help you in the future. They know what they’re doing so take advantage of their presence.

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